Monday, April 9, 2012

Our Week in Photos.

Last Sunday we got out a few of the Easter decorations.  The girls had a lot of fun decorating.  Yes, they are sitting on top of the dining room table - EGADS!  Grandma Juanita sent them each a new spring dress.  I think I was doing the wash every night as they wanted to wear them every day.  They still LOVE dressing alike.  I wonder how much longer it will last?
I could not resist this picture.  Even their little hands are precious.
The girls have been doing a lot of imaginary playing together lately.  They have taken it to a whole new level from setting up classrooms and grocery stores to playing doctor to their dollies and stuffed animals.  A couple of weeks ago, they were playing hide and seek with Kevin before church.  They are getting VERY good at it too.  Kevin and Sid were found hiding in the shower one round.  Naturally I had to join in on the fun.  When it was my turn to be it, I even checked a room that Kendall was hiding in and she did not make a peep.  It was only after my second check of the room that I heard her start to giggle.
The cuties also received some beautiful hand-me-down dresses from one of Grandma Terrell's friends.  The dresses are gorgeous.  I believe I have already removed a spaghetti sauce stain from Kendall's.  They certainly do get their wear out of the dresses they have.
We made our first yard purchase.  We bought a spruce tree to replace a dead tree in our front yard.  It is a bit small right now, but we are excited.  Note the dead tree in the background that we still need to remove.  We trimmed the beds in our front yard this weekend and filled up 4 garbage bags and a trash can in the process.  I figure the neighbors will either be grateful for the clean up or we will be the recipients of a landscaping service package.
The girls found signs of the first ants on the sidewalk.  They have met a few of the girls in the neighborhood and have been having a lot of fun running around on their scooters, blowing bubbles and acting crazy.
The Easter Bunny came by the house Sunday morning.  The girls were thrilled to open their baskets.
After a few pieces of morning candy, we got ready for church.  The girls looked beautful in their dresses from Grandma Karen and Papa Mark.  They picked out the dresses in January when we were visiting up North.  They have been waiting in anticipation to wear them.  To speak to the fact that they love to dress alike, they each had originally chosen a different dress.  But as soon as they realized this, they quickly went back to the rack to pick one out that they both liked.
Our feisty little Sidney would not take the bucket off of her head for a pretty picture.  Hmm.  Well, a silly picture will do.
 Kevin set up the tripod for our annual family Easter Picture.
After church, the girls joined in the Easter egg hunt.  Sidney was checking out the competition before the race.
Kendall is off and running.  At one point her and another girl were going for the same egg and she spilled her entire bucket.  The other little girl was very sweet and helped Kendall gather her eggs up.
Sidney was a fierce competitor this year and had a blast running around finding the eggs.
After the hunt, we found a seat on the grass to open the eggs and see if we had the "golden ticket".  Each year they hide a golden ticket in one of the eggs for a "special prize".  No golden ticket for us, but I would call ourselves winners anyways.  I say "us" because I did have my share of Easter chocolates.
This Easter marked a first in the Strong household.  It was the first time I let the girls go hog wild with the candy.  Up until now, I ususally let them have only a couple of pieces then we spread it out over the next few weeks (or months) until it is gone.  This year I dumped the candy in their baskets and told them to go to town.  They lasted until about 3pm, at which time they seemed pretty done with the candy.  I gathered up the remaining candy to be used as after dinner treats (and shared with mom and dad, of course).
It was a very nice weekend.  The best part was talking with the girls about the real reason for Easter.  Kendall was particularly inquisitive this year and had a lot of questions about Jesus and what the Easter holiday really means.

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