Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bacon and Eggs.

I am not quite sure how we got to this point...I think it all started when I started asking the girls "What's shakin' bakin'?"  Somehow that transpired to Bacon.  Then to Bacon and Eggs.  Now my girls refer to themselves as Bacon and Eggs.  The other day I came home and said hello to Sidney.  She responded, "No.  I'm eggs.  Kendall is Bacon." 

Kevin took Bacon and Eggs on a camping trip to Montana the last few days.  They are due to be home in the morning and I cannot wait.  The silence was great the first day, good the second day, quiet the third day and sad today.  The question I always ask myself remains, "What did I do before I had kids?"  I must have been a huge time waster and life was probably really boring. 

I am looking forward to having them home, only to see them leave again for another week.  They will be here for a few days then off to Grandma Karen and Papa Mark's house.  I love that they get to have these memories with their family.  I would not trade that for anything, I just wish it was a little louder around here when they were gone. 

Kevin has already warned me that they are not coming home the same way they left.  Isn't that what grandparents are for?  We have five days to whip them back into shape.  Then they will be off to their other grandparents to get spoiled rotten again.  Livin' the good life!

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