Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

This date is extra special to me, because both Sidney and my mom share a birthday on August 28th. There is kind of a funny story behind this date. While I was pregnant, people would often hear the due date and state things like "I hope she is born on this date because (insert name)'s birthday is that date". I know that people meant well but you have to understand, my hormone's were RAGING. For some reason, this made me crazy. Food cravings? Not so much. Wanting my baby to have their very own birthdate? Very much. My dear mom made the mistake of stating such a thing, until one day in my pregnant hormonal rage – I went ballistic on her. Never again throughout my pregnancy did she mention her birthday and the baby's due date again. Very wise womanJ As it turned out, Sidney was not in any rush to make an appearance, so my doctor induced me on none other than August 28th. I remember my mom trying so hard to stifle her excitement. I cannot even begin to describe "the elephant in the room". Finally, I had to tell her that it was okay to be excited that her and Sid would have the same birthday. She was so relieved and joyful. I know I am a complete dork, but again my hormones had total control over me. So now every August 28th, we have reason to celebrate the birth of two very special people in my life!
My mother is such a wonderful woman. She is the most thoughtful person ever. Any time that someone has a need, she is the first in line to fulfill it. She has always been there for me and has never given up. Her love is the definition of unconditional. No matter how crazy things got while I was growing up or what kinds of things I did for the mere shock value, she would remain steady.

My mother is truly a woman that knows how to take care of herself and always look her best. My sister and I like to poke fun at her for this, but we really do admire her for it. The most awesome thing is that after 39ish years of marriage, it is only my dad that she is concerned about impressing.

She is an amazing grandmother. She has taught all of her grandkids (and daughters) a true passion for chocolate.

My mom is a go-getter. Over the past few years, she has developed her custom sewing business to be one of the best around. Her standards are very high for herself and she is willing to work hard to achieve her goals.

My mom has taught me so much over the years. Her honesty has helped us to have a very special and close relationship. She is an amazing women.

“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he
praises her: ‘Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all’ Charm
is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be
praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her
praise at the city gate.” Proverbs 31: 29-31

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