Sunday, December 20, 2009

Silence CAN be golden.

This morning Kendall went into her bedroom and shut the door. My first thought was "YES, silence". But as the minutes ticked away and silence continued to emit from the room, my thoughts turned to images of permanent marker pictures on the wall, or lipstick all over her body, or haircuts ala toddler. Eventually my curiosity got the best of me and I opened the door to find this...She was playing with her flashcards. Who knew...silence CAN be golden. So, I quickly told her that I was going to shut the door so she could finish playing. Phew...don't want to ruin that silence.

We had my work Christmas party this weekend. It was a family affair. Here is a picture of Sidney accessorizing before the party.Santa even made an appearance at the party. Despite all of the girls attempts at getting on the naughty list, apparently Santa thought they had been pretty good. Sidney was not about to sit on the Jolly man's lap. Who can blame her? She did quickly learn the fine art of gift opening. I think she was more entertained by the box than the present inside.

Kendall got over her fear of the big fellow and even went back for a second sit on his lap to chat about all of her Christmas wishes.

All of the kids spent the evening dancing the night away. Desiree - I caught a picture of Miley in all of her dancing glory. Talk about a dancing diva.Kevin took this picture of Kendall in our front yard. Every night when we get home from work, she insists on going out front to see Santa and Teddy. At her rate of growth, she may just be taller than these guys next year!


Gerbicks said...

ah, the silence of a preschooler playing with good things. we've had a few of those moments as well.

hey! wes didn't get a big 'ole party for work...hhmmm... but santa would've freaked me out, so that's okay, lol.

love the dancing pictures. kids are so darn cute when dancing away.

Phone: (208) 255-8085 said...

So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to have all of you home for ChristmasLove Mom