Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sporty Girls

The girls are active these days.  Sidney started soccer and is having a blast.  As I am looking through the pictures, she is saying, "That is me.  I kick the ball really hard momma".  The other day we were in Starbucks and she started talking to a 20-something year old man about soccer.  He got a real kick out of it.  She was going on and on about kicking the ball.  She has really started to come out of her shell, striking up conversations with total strangers.

Kendall is in the second level of swim lessons.  It is a challenging class.  They have to accomplish a lot of things in order to move on and she only has 2 lessons left.  Yesterday, I took her to the pool to practice floats.  She did a great job.  She kept challenging herself and asking me to not help her.  Kevin got a video of her jumping into the pool a few weeks ago.

Grandma is here for a visit.  The girls are having a total blast.  Of course, she is spoiling them rotten.  Kendall has quickly learned that Grams gives THE BEST back rubs ever!  Each of the girls were lucky enough to pick a day and stay home with her last week for some one-on-one time.  They loved every minute of it and Grandma read a ton of books to them.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Special Time

Saturday I took Kendall for her first "real" manicure.  When I told her what we were going to do, she immediately picked out her favorite dress and tights to wear.  She had such a good time.  The only way to describe it was that she relished every minute of it.  Halfway through she told the lady, "You do a REALLY good job".  That statement won her some sparkles over her polish.  Then she told the lady that her daddy will think her nails are SO pretty.  I believe that earned her the flowers on her fingernails.  Mary, the lovely woman that did her nails, was so sweet and gave her the full treatment.  Kendall had her nails soaked, filed, buffed, cuticles shaped and an arm massage.  Today she told me that next time she will wear pants so the lady can paint her toes too.  Uh Oh.  What have I done?

The girls and I went to the new library that has opened.  We really have some great libraries near our house.  The girls had an excellent time.  I think we were there for almost two hours.  The library has fish tanks, guinea pigs, hamsters, computers, a sit and spin (remember those) and of course tons of great books.

I thought this picture was precious.  Do not look too closely at Kendall's chin, I think she fell asleep before Kevin could wash the Spaghettio's from her chin (of course I will blame it on him...).

Piggy tails and the $100 aprons.

Emotions have been running high around here lately. 

Piggy Tails
Sidney is definitely 2-1/2 years old and proud of it.  Her little self is full of independence.  We are hearing a lot of "I can do it by myself" around here.  Though I would want nothing less, it is very challenging at times.  This morning went like this:

Me:  Sidney, do you want anything in your hair?
Sid:  No.  Well, actually yes.
Me:  What do you want?
Sid:  Piggy tails.  Pink piggy tails.
Me:  Okay.  (Sid picks out the pink rubber bands and I proceed to put them in)

A few minutes later...
Sid:  I do not want piggy tails (crying and pulling them out)

A few minutes later...

Sid: I WANT piggy tails in my hair.

I am not completely insane.  No, I did not put the piggy tails back in.  We went through the same type of stuff with THING 1 (Kendall).  Somehow it is much easier and almost humorous with THING 2 (Sid).  No wonder the youngest child is usually more laid back. 

The $100 Aprons
It has now been over 24 hours so I THINK I can laugh about this.  We will see.  Last week I got a creative twinge and decided I would sew the girls new aprons.  We went to the store and bought supplies.  The girls each picked out their psychedelic fabric and all was good.  Yesterday I started to put the aprons together.  About half way through the project, I needed to run to Joann's for supplies.  Into the minivan I went.  Of course, I had "buttons versus d-rings" on my mind and did not even see the motorcycle cop.  YEP, the motorcycle cop.  He definitely saw me in my speeding minivan. 

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I could not even think of small talk.  In fact, in hindsight I did not even apologize for speeding.  I do not think I said a word to the man.  So of course, he gave me the ticket.  I am embarrassed to say that this is not my first ticket (not even by a stretch of the imagination).  BUT, it was the first ticket in which I cried.  YEP.  I cried.  At least I did not cry while he was standing there.  How could I have when I could not even muster up a word.  However the minute he went back to his motorcycle, I bawled like a baby.  To my credit, I am sure it was PMS! 

I never made it to Joann's.  I took my bawling self back home.  My compassionate husband just laughed.  I think he muttered something like "Well, you were speeding..."  Seriously???  Then a bit later he gloated that now he does not have the last speeding ticket.  That is how my tiny little apron project grew into quite a sizable venture.  UGH!

Monday, April 4, 2011

What is better than a visit from Santa or the Easter Bunny?

...a visit from Grandma T.  It has been WAY too long since we have had a visit from Grandma Terrell, but this weekend we were overjoyed to see her.  She came down fro a quick two day trip to hang with the family.  The girls showered her with tons of love and have not stopped talking about her since she left.  They are already looking forward to her next visit.  Sidney keeps saying that "Grandma will come and watch me play soccer".  They put her to work immediately pushing them on the swingset.  I sincerely hope that she was not anticipating a restful weekend...

Of course I had to sneak her away for a little shopping.  That lady can shop!  She took me on my first trip to Hobby Lobby (need I mention that it is next door to Kohl's).  It was a wonder that I had not been there before.  It was awesome.  One of my purchases were some candy making molds.  I was having a creative moment.  Here is a snapshot of my first creations.  Needless to say, I learned a lot of "do's" and "don'ts" the first time around.  I already made a trip back to the store for more candy melts.  My plan is to make some candy's for the girls to share with their classmates.

Kevin had last week off for spring break.  On Monday he told Sidney that if she did not have any potty accidents all day, he would take her to Planet Kid.  Where there is a will, there is a way.  Monday evening it was off to Planet Kid.  Way to go Sid!

Last Saturday the girls had their dentist appointments.  Kevin prepped them by reading their dentist book that morning.  Both girls seemed very excited to go.  When we arrived we had to wait FOREVER in the waiting room, but their excitement did not wane.  When it was time to go in to see the dentist Sidney walked through the glass door, clamped her hands over her mouth and started to shriek.  And so it least there is always next time.  She was very happy once she got back out of the chair and received her brand new Dora toothbrush.  Hopefully the toothbrush will be inspiration for the next trip.

Girls at Play.

We have had a few gorgeous days, just in time for more rain.  The girls made the most of the nice weather and spent a lot of time in the backyard.