Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Mustang Mania 2023 - Part 12

The competition started bright and early the next morning.  They had over 100 competitors return with their mustangs and burros to compete.  The first event was handling and conditioning.  They had to release their horse into a round pen, halter them, brush them, trot them, stop, backup, pick up hooves, turn and load into a trailer.  Sidney and Levi did great!

The second event was in-hand trails.  For the most part, Levi did great.  Though he was not very cooperative on side passing or backing through polls.  He did great going through the gate, over the bridge, lunging and load objects.

The final day was the freestyle competition.  Sidney chose I Just Can't Wait to be King (from the Lion King).  It was absolutely adorable, and they both did fantastic and had fun while doing it.

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