Sunday, May 13, 2012

One for the Record Books.

I am ashamed to admit that I started out the day complaining about Mother's Day.  I am not a fan, as it is usually not filled with the things that a mother truly wants (like quiet time).  Do you hear the cynic in me?  But today was different.  For starters, it was the first Mother's Day that I got to spend with my own mom in probably 20 years.  My mom had flown in for the recital which was yesterday (I will post about that later) and her plane did not leave until one o'clock today.  I woke up and made us all french toast in honor of my mom.  Then the girls each gave me potted plants to go along with their beautiful homemade cards they gave me Friday after school.  Those are the best kind of gifts.  Then Kevin set the girls to work picking up the house while my mom and I got to sneak away for a long walk.  It was a beautiful morning.  We walked for over an hour, talking and reminiscing. 

After that we set out for Starbucks to get coffee for Kevin, my mom and I.  It was only my mom and I that were going to run and grab the coffees.  When we got to Starbucks, my mom announced that she was treating.  In mid exit, I made a game time decision to leave my purse in the car.  Bad move!  When we returned to the van, the realization that my keys were inside my purse inside the locked van hit me.  Fortunately, my mom had her cell phone (did I mention the battery was almost dead) AND Kevin was in the shower.  UGH!  At least we had our coffee.  After a short wait, Kevin and the girls pulled in.  The girls were laughing hysterically, "Mommy locked herself out."  After we made it home, it was time to head to the airport.  Kevin also had to leave to go to the State Golf Tournament.  The girls and I dropped everyone off and returned home.  It was so sad to let my mom leave, but she will be back in just a month.  She also brought one of my window treatments down with her.  It is so amazing (again I will have to post a picture later).  Every time I see her work I am reminded of how talented she is. 

The rest of the afternoon was amazing.  The girls from next door came over and played with Kendall and Sidney for FIVE hours.  No fighting!  They just played as hard as four little girls can play.  They dressed up, they drove the white convertible until the battery ran out (and even worked out their own system for taking turns).  They played on the swing, had a water fight and snuck some candy.  I did not have to referee at all.  It was magical!  What did I do?  I organized.  I love organizing.  I went into my zone and cleaned my closet, the pantry and anything else I could get my hands on.  I read gossip magazines and painted my toenails.  Again, it was magical!  This was truly the best Mother's Day ever.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Preparing for the Big Stage.

The girls have been working hard preparing for their dance recital.  The theme this year is Beauty and the Beast for Kendall and Winnie the Pooh for Sidney.  Kevin attended the rehearsal last week and came home with very detailed instructions (good man!).  Grandma Karen is coming to town to watch the recital.  Grandma Terrell made it last year.  I got the worst flu in my life the evening after the recital.  Let's hope we do not repeat that!  The girls are very excited.  Their dance teacher, Miss Kim, has prepared them well.  They are ready for the "big stage".  Kendall is quite experienced as this is her second year.  She has been filling Sidney in on all of the details.  I took them Sunday to get pictures.   In typical fashion, they hammed it up for the camera!  I really think the motivation for pictures is that it is the one time that they are encouraged to say "Monkey Butt".  Outside of pictures, those types of words typically end in trouble. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Missed Moment.

I rarely talk about work on this blog, because work is work and I really make an effort to keep my family time separate.  I chose a path in life.  That path was to be a working mom.  This is sometimes a very controversial topic among people, but it is a decision that I have not really consulted too many people on.  I think that a woman should do what works for her and her family and do it with as much grace and enthusiasm as possible.  Kendall asked me the other day what I hoped for.  I replied that I hoped that she and Sidney would both be successful.  She then asked me what "successful" was.  I thought for a moment and told her that it was doing the absolute best that she can at whatever it is she chooses to do; whether it be a gardener, a mommy, a doctor, a fireman, etc.  She seemed satisfied with that. 

All of this rambling brings me to the reason for this post.  I got a promotion recently at work.  Along with this promotion comes more travel.  I knew this.  Our family discussed this.  We are prepared for this.  99% of the time it works out just fine.  Today I leave for a one night work trip.  Tomorrow morning the girls have their Dance Recital rehearsal.  This is where we get their costumes, they rehearse, etc.  Kevin will be going (not me).  I am sad.  I am a mom.  I will miss doing that.  I know it is something small and there will be many more dance rehearsals.  And so it goes, this is the path I have chosen.  It does not come without sacrifice.  But that what in life does not come without sacrifice?