Sunday, May 23, 2021

Five Minute Hack - Success!

The girls are always talking about these hacks they see on the internet.  They have tried a few that were major fails.  Sidney is convinced that most of them are fake videos.  So, when I needed to figure out how to organize my hats, I ran across many very expensive options and a lot of ridiculous options.  However, after much searching I came across this 'five minute hack'.  It seemed cheap enough, so I gave it a go.  I bought the cheapest set of shower curtain hooks I could find (10 for under $2).  I hung them from my closet rod and turned the lower part 90 degrees.  Success!  I could not be more happy.

While I was at it, I decided to install a few nice tidy shelves for my shoes.  We will not talk about the number of shoes I have, but rather we will sit back and grin from ear to ear at the tidy aesthetics of these shelves.  This just gives me peace:).

I had to buy a new refrigerator a year or so ago.  When I purchased the refrigerator, I only had a few to choose from as the height of the cabinet above the refrigerator was the limiting factor.  I was talking to a friend about this, when they suggested I raise the cabinet.  I got to thinking...I do not even really use that cabinet.  However, I do have a nice collection of old tins I would love to display.  So I decided to have my own demo day.  I should have taken more pictures, but here is one after the cabinet was out.  Kendall was kind enough to help me lug the awkward cabinet out to the garage.  

Then I went to Lowe's and bought a couple of 2x12's.  The man working there agreed to cut them to the length I needed.  I brought them home and applied a coat of stain.  The next day, my dad helped me install them above the refrigerator.  These bring me great joy.  Oh, and Kristin, yes I did steal the canister you brought chex mix over in.  Just let me know if you want it back:).

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