Thursday, January 16, 2014

May I Have Your Autograph Please?

The girls' Sunday School class made some very cool projects for the holiday season.  Each of the kids painted on the backside of the glass of a picture frame.  They put the glass back in the frame and the frames were hung up on wall outside of the sanctuary.  Last Sunday, Kendall and Sidney were pointing out their paintings to us.  As we walked into church and were handed a bulletin, guess who's picture made the cover?  Sidney is famous!  She was ecstatic and told anyone who would listen.  Naturally, we went by the church this week and scooped up any of the remaining bulletins.  
Swim lessons have started back up again.  The girls love it and it is a great Saturday winter activity.  Kendall is learning the breaststroke and the butterfly this time around.  Sidney has overcome all of her water fears and is rocking her swim lessons.  She earned her first yellow ribbon a few weeks back, which means she swam to the rope and back unassisted while performing the front crawl. 

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