Monday, August 2, 2010

My Top 10 List.

There are times in my life that I need to be reminded of how much I have to be thankful for.  So I thought about this a lot today and here it is...

1)  Kevin.  I am lucky to have a husband that is such a family man.  He wants the white picket fence, the wife and the two kids.  Over the past few years (13 to be exact), he has shown that he is willing to work for "the dream".  For that I am grateful.

2)  Kendall.  She is absolutely full of life.  She jumps into life full-throttle.  I have so much to learn from this beautiful little girl.  Every day I am grateful that she is a part of this family.

3)  Sidney.  My little momma's girl.  She gives me squeeze hugs and a thousand kisses.  There are times when I leave for work that I can actually feel her little head still embedded into my neck.

4)  My job.  Not just the job, but the people I work with.  There are times when I do not feel grateful for this.  The truth be told, I have worked with a lot of different people in my lifetime and have never had co-workers as awesome as I have now.  They have supported me through some of the most critical years a woman has...childbirth and toddlerhood.

5)  My parents.  I am fortunate to have both of my parents and for the example they have set.  I cherish all of the moments that I get to spend with them.  I have a mother that I call every day and a father that has always been honest with me. 

6)  My sister.  I am so thankful to have been blessed with such a beautiful sister.  I have had someone to share every stage of my life with.  Someone whom I cannot run away from.  She has been both my worst enemy and my best friend.

7)  My health.  Though many days I feel fatigued, tired and overwehelmed.  BUT,  I am healthy.  I CAN do anything that I desire.  I can walk, run, bike, swim and breathe on my own.  To many people any of these tasks might be impossible.

8)  My home.  I have a beautiful home with beautiful furnishings.  My kids do not "want or need" for anything.  I am a lucky woman.

9)  Food.  We have a refrigerator (and a freezer) full of food.  I do not ever have to watch my children go hungry, or try to figure out where I will scrape the next meal from.

10)  My education - my mind.  I am thankful to have had the opportunity to get an education.  I am thankful for the mind that God gave me.  I have been able to do with relative ease that which many people work very hard at.

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