Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Kevin!

I do not even know where to begin. Kevin is undoubtedly one of the awesome men I know. After all he has put up with me for 12 yearsJ So here goes, my top ten list:

1. He puts the toilet seat down.
2. He is a romantic at heart and has NEVER forgotten a Birthday or Anniversary.
3. He has never hesitated to tell me the truth no matter how much it might sting.
4. He will go visit my parents even when I am not with him.
5. He has never “let me” win at anything. He will make it a good game, but if I win it is legit!
6. He has always been my biggest fan and has never doubted me for a second.
7. He is passionate about what he does. This one drives me crazy at times, but ultimately I think it is amazing.
8. He has endured countless questions of “Does this make my butt look big?”J
9. He does not care what my hair looks like or if my clothes are trendy (although he DID put his foot down when I wore red sweatpants with a purple shirt).
10. He is the most amazing, consistent, tender, funny, caring, loving father there is!
Happy Birthday My Love!