Friday, May 19, 2023

Mustang Mania 2023 - Part 08

 Our first trip went so well, that we decided to take Levi out to Alyssa's one evening.  Alyssa had made the suggestion when we went out to measure a couple of props she has.  It was a great trip.  Sid joined a lesson with her old posse.  They were on horses and she walked Levi around, in hand.   It was awesome.  Toward the end, Alyssa asked if she could handle him.  Sid turned over the lead rope.  Alyssa tried 'all the things', and he did great.  She congratulated Sid on teaching him well.  She said it was great that she could jump in and he would respond.  A lot of times the cues do not transfer to other people at first.

While we were there, Sid took the opportunity to load Levi into Alyssa's goose neck trailer.  It is way different than the one we have.  Alyssa suggested we load Levi into as many different trailers as we can, as we will not know what kind of trailer they will have set up during the Mania competition.

Here is Ripley.  She is a 6 year old mustang mare that Alyssa adopted this year.  Turns out, Alyssa got a two for one special, as Ripley was pregnant.  Her little foal was born on Alyssa's property on Mother's Day.  It was so sweet to see them.

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