Friday, August 19, 2022

Not For the Faint of Heart.

My mom has been asking about floating the Boise River.  I have not done this in years.  Kendall has been a few times each year with friends.  After she had floated with the Nelson's, I decided to take Sid and my parents.  It was an awesome day...for most of us:)

The float started out with me grabbing on to a tree branch to hold Sid and I back, as we waited for the elderly to get in their tube and catch up (ha!).  After a few minutes we decided to tie our rafts together, which was both super fun and very precarious.

My dad and I did most of the steering.  To think, my dad had left his oars at my house and thought 'no big deal' I won't need them.  Thankfully, I had enough sense to go back and grab them for him, because he definitely needed them.  

Do not let this calm, cool picture of Sid fool you.  She was a disaster.  While we all had fun, she was a nervous wreck.  As I was telling my friend Hildi about our float day, Hildi said she 'hates floating the Boise River and refuses to go'.  I laughed as she is a true white water rafting girl.  Ironically, so is Sid.  She has been white water rafting and loved it.  The difference for them is that they both feel equipped when white water rafting and totally out of control when it comes to river floating.  Funny, really.  It was interesting to learn both of their perspectives and find them so similar.  Like Hildi, Sidney says she will never do this again.

Meanwhile, my parents and I found it fun and refreshing.  I think we will be doing this again.

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