Thursday, August 25, 2022

It was NOT a vacation...

 …or was it?  I must admit, this single parenting gig can be challenging.  Two teenage girls, one hard working mom.  Sometimes, I just need a break.  Rarely, though, will I give myself that break.  I am ALL IN with these girls.  I have never been one to do anything half way.  So, when it was time for our annual leadership meeting in Oceanside, off I went.  Granted, I had just rolled in from our Weippe trip at 12:30am, when I had to unpack my rodeo bag only to repack it to head out for the airport.  I did not realize how much I  needed the break.  

To top it off, this work trip was amazing.  Most work trips we are working from sun up to after sun down (this was no exception).  The difference...we were not in a windowless conference room.  In fact, our meetings were in a glass walled conference room on the rooftop of a hotel overlooking the Pacific Ocean.  Who says you cannot combine work and play?  I cherished every moment of it.

I woke up each morning to do yoga.  The last day Bill, I and Jennifer joined a yoga class together.

The sunsets were stunning, as we walked to dinner each night.

We were exactly 1 mile from the harbor in which the girls and I took our spring break vacation.  The last morning, I walked down there to enjoy coffee and the view.

Also, how did I miss that the Top Gun house was right there in Oceanside?  Well, this time it was pointed out to me and I was sure to take a picture.  In the words of Bill, it really does 'take my breath away' (ha!).

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