Monday, August 9, 2021

Eh Capa Friends and Family Performance.

If you have been listening to me go on and on about Eh Capa, but have no idea what I am talking about, here is a great YouTube video that one of the parents put together.  The video is from the Friends and Family Performance this past Saturday.  The video has some awesome aerial shots.  Friends and Family 2021

Needless to say, we were all so proud of Sidney.  It has been a very challenging year, but she has stuck with it and grown so much, both on and off the horse.  All of these riders are exceptional.  Valerie's son Josh put it well.  How many adults, if you asked them, would willingly put themselves into a public, vulnerable, unpredictable, potentially scary situation?  Not many.  Yet these young riders do it several times a week!  They are amazing and have all worked very hard.

Here they are bright and early, hours before the performance, practicing their drill.

Here is Sid's Eh Capa ride or die, Nelly.  All smiles!  These two have really grown together this year.

The coaches have a lot of responsibility, but they also bring big expectations and big encouragement.  Here is Coach Lily.

Here is Coach Brandi.

The Eh Capa Royalty is a pretty big deal.  The riders must meet certain requirements.  They try out in front of a group of judges.  The process includes riding, horsemanship and an interview.  This year's queen is Courtney.  She is a great leader and has encouraged many of the girls along the way.  Here she is flying the flag during the singing of the National Anthem.

Here is Sidney, coming out for her first big performance.  She is smiling ear to ear.

A few pics of her riding during the loping performance.

The jump team always does an impressive job!  Look at saddle, no bridle, no hands!

Valerie and her family came out to support Sidney.

Sidney's friend, Liza, and her family came out, as well as the grandparents.  Kendall has been Sidney's biggest fan and was talking about how awesome Sid did to anyone that would listen.  It is awesome that Kendall has been so supportive.  She has sacrificed a lot to make this happen for Sidney, as it has been a big commitment for the entire family.

Sidney lined up at the fence after the performance to greet her fan club:).

Sid, Liza and Puck.  I would not be surprised if Liza joins next year.  These girls met in online school and have spent a lot of time getting together.  They are both a bit horse crazy.  

And that's a wrap!

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