Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Junk Drawer: February 2021 Edition

Well, we finally got snow and a lot of it.  Here is a shot out our front door, but this was not the end of it.  I believe this was only after the first trip out to shovel.  Thankfully by the following week, it had melted away!  I love the snow for a day or two.  I look forward to it actually.  I just do not enjoy it sticking around indefinitely.

This is us...just hanging out.  I am sure glad I enjoy the company of these girls.  Kendall serenading us with her piano playing.

Sid just being a pre-teen.  Who know exactly what she was doing.  Selfies maybe?

I lOVE my Silhouette machine.  Just look at this beautiful white board I created.  It gives me so much satisfaction.  The clean lines.  The functionality.  The customization.  Aaaahhh!

I saw a sign similar to this recently and thought it would be a perfect edition to our kitchen.  Though Sid assured me that she already knows all of these conversions.  Is that why the cookies tasted like baking soda (just kidding)!

I love the market fresh flowers at Albertsons.  Three separate bouquets for $12.  They always put a smile on my face!

Sid and I decided to break out the perler beads last weekend.  Kendall was busy building a new house in minecraft.  

I was really getting fancy.  I need to snap a picture of my second horse head peeking through a horseshoe.  It is impressive (ha)!

I am so glad that, even though they decided they were done with legos, they kept some of my other favorites.  Who is the kid here?

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