Sunday, October 18, 2020

For the Love of Kendall!

Kendall is heading back to in-person school this week (only two days a week).  I am going to miss having her around the house.  This girl brings so much joy to my life (and a few gray hairs).  She has such an amazing free spirit, wisdom beyond her years and a sense of humor that can make even the grumpiest person smile.  

Each morning and night, she rattles off her to do list.  She honestly does not even care if I am listening.  She just needs to say it out loud.  She has a skin care routine that puts me to shame.  She is consistently able to muddle through the junk that life throws her and make the best of it!  She contorts her body into stretches and positions that do not even seem humanly possible.  She lights up our home with her music and moves.

Here she is trying out her new Indian clay mask.

Something in that mask must be working.  She has a gorgeous complexion.

The other day, I heard the funniest thing coming from her laptop.  I walked over to witness her World Civ. teacher dressed in full Viking costume.  At the end of his speech, he issued a warning to the kids 
'Do not bring your swords to school'.  HILARIOUS!  She was, of course, rolling her eyes.  I told her about the year her Dad dressed up and did the same thing for his middle school class.  

I thank God every day for blessing us with this beautiful little girl!

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