Wednesday, October 7, 2020

All of the Other Stuff.

Kaden and his girlfriend Milly visited a few weeks ago.  They took the girls to the zoo.  The four of them had a great time hanging out together.

Sidney has found us a great place to go shooting.  She took Papa out there the other day.  Thankfully, she did not fire the shotgun.  I am certain she would have landed on her behind if that had happened.

Normally I reserve puzzle season for winter.  However with the smoke we were having in the air, I pulled them out early this year and have not been able to put them away.

Bret's girlfriend, Erin, shares a love for puzzles and gave me a challenging one to try.  It certainly gave me a run for my money!

In an earlier post, I mentioned that Kendall is enjoying some of the flexibility of virtual school.  She has perfected the art of whipped coffee.  The only problem with this drink is that it is made with instant coffee.  The shear smell of it makes me want to vomit.  It takes me right back to my days in Antarctica, when instant coffee was my only option.  More on that another day.  They sure are beautiful though!

Sidney never disappoints when it comes to fashion.  She has been earning and saving quite a bit of money the past year.  She decided to spend some of it on a couple cute outfits.  How fashionable.  She used the belt from the pants to make a coordinating head band.

It was time to get new eyeglasses.  Sidney went with a Harry Potter pair.  I love it!

Look ma, no hands!  I must admit, I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that said the same thing.

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