Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Quiet Easter Sunday.

With the quarantine in place, Easter was much quieter this year, but it still held a special meaning in our lives.  We have spent most of our Easter Sunday's with the Nelson family.  The girls have no recollection of anything other than that.  This year we kept it small, in order to keep everyone safe and healthy.  The Easter bunny even switched things up a bit.  Instead of an afternoon egg hunt, the girls woke to a letter and an unprecedented amount of chocolate filled eggs hidden around the house.

Kendall then proceeded to sort and count her candy.  I just love the way her mind thinks.  However, I think she really just tormented Bailey.  He kept slithering closer and closer to the candy. 

My mom walked over in the morning and watched Easter service with us.  Our church has done a great job of keeping everyone engaged.  Kendall's youth group has done a phenomenal job of pivoting to online events.  She has spent numerous nights doing scavenger hunts and playing games online with the youth group.

The girls', with the aid of Grandma Terrell, made some delicious Easter cookies.  Frankly, I could have eaten this homemade cream cheese frosting by the tub.

Terrell got me these beautiful flowers and my parents got me some chocolate cashews and outdoor flowers for Easter.  I would say that I definitely scored!   

Here it is 2-1/2 weeks later and the flowers are still going strong.  The yellow ones decided to give out, and I switched vases to accommodate for the trimming, but they continue to bring a smile to my face each day.

Grandma Terrell made us a delicious Easter dinner.  Yes, it was a bit different this year, but the meaning of the day was not lost on us!

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