Monday, December 12, 2016

Thanksgiving and The Festival of Trees.

We hosted Thanksgiving this year.  It was a lot of fun.  My parents came down, along with my sister and her family.  We had the Nelson's and Terrell join us for dinner as well.  I totally dropped the ball on taking pictures, but here are a few that I nabbed from others.
Hallie and my sister decided to give me a makeover.  Apparently, big hair is making a comeback.
Though this picture was actually taken at my mom's, the girls always love spending time with their older cousin Hallie. 

Roy and Sherry sent us this beautiful flower arrangement!  Sherry is always so thoughtful.

After all of the company left, Terrell and I took the girls to the Festival of Trees.  This has become one of my favorite holiday events.  We enjoy watching all of the different performances and looking at the gorgeous trees.  Kendall jumped at the chance to drive the trains.

The girls always look forward to the talking tree.  The first time I saw this, I thought it was the strangest thing.  Perhaps I still do think it is a bit strange, but the girls LOVE it.  Kendall skipped her Santa visit this year.  She was planning on seeing him, but right before our number came up, one of her friends was performing on stage.  She was more excited to watch Trin than to visit the old man. 

The girls enjoyed cookies, wrote letters to Santa, decorated an ornament and colored on the table covering. 

Sidney found the Spider-Man tree and insisted that I take a picture to show Jackson.

Good times!

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