Tuesday, October 28, 2014

New Goal: Enjoy Every Moment!

The day was filled with appointments yesterday.  The news was not good.  The biopsy of the mass in the esophagus showed adenocarcinoma.  Kevin has Stage IV Esophageal Cancer which is a very aggressive cancer.  Stage IV signifies that the cancer has spread to his lymph nodes and, worst of all, his liver.  He has 4 masses in his liver, the largest being 4cm.  They will be doing a liver biopsy this week just to confirm what they already believe.

Essentially, because of the type of cancer and the spread of it, the cancer is considered terminal.  Statistics would tell us that we have 12 more months together.  The doctor believes that because of Kevin's youthfulness:) and otherwise good health, we will have 18 months.  He will be starting radiation as soon as possible followed by chemotherapy.  The goal is to give him the best possible 18 months.  The radiation oncologist wants him to be able to enjoy eating food again.  The medical oncologist is choosing a treatment that will allow him to have energy to play with the girls.

Grateful...that we have doctors that are being so honest with us.  A tour of the internet revealed many stories of families that were not so fortunate.  They had doctors that put their patients through the most aggressive treatments which subsequently took that quality of life away and resulted in the same outcome.

Grateful...that we have time together to look forward to.

Please continue your prayers, as I expect this journey will have many ups and downs.  For now, we will not tell the girls too much more.  This is something that I think we will hold off for later.   

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Roy & I were shocked and so very saddened to receive this news (the news of the cancer diagnosis on Fri. was bad enough, but this was just a huge blow). We have no words...I haven't called because I honestly don't know what to say, or how to comfort you. I can't even imagine what you must be feeling. With that said, please know we have been and are fervently praying for physical, mental, emotional & spiritual comfort for Kevin and for you as you travel down this very uncertain path. We love you all so VERY much and we would take Kevin's place in a heartbeat if we could. Also know we are available to help in any way possible...whatever you need, count us in. We feel so very helpless and if we could do something...ANYTHING...know we would. We are approaching this with total positivity...that Kevin is going to beat this. Again, we love you all...many, many prayers being lifted up in Kevin's name. Be STRONG (that's what we do...right?!) and NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP!

All our love,

Roy, Sherry, Cody, Ashlee & Patrick