Monday, December 10, 2012

White Out!

Not exactly.  Sidney was the first to see the snow and she woke up the entire house with her excitement.  She quickly ate breakfast then geared herself up to go outside.  She made sure Kendall was right behind her. 

Yes, that is a raincoat she is wearing.  All in all I think she did a pretty good job getting herself ready for the snow.  I was busy soaking in the tub and told her that she could go out if she got the proper gear on.  In fact, they did a great job - snow pants, snow boots, gloves, coats.  They found their snow shovels in the shed and proceeded to shovel snow from the grass onto the driveway.  The snow is now officially gone.  Hopefully there is more on the way!

We went to the Botanical Gardens on Saturday night with Bridget and Grandma Terrell.  I LOVE Bridget.  She is such a funny woman.  The thing I love most about Bridget is how refreshingly comfortable she is with herself.  What you see is what you get!  She also has an amazing sense of humor. 

Kendall was pretty excited as she finally had someone to sit on Santa's lap with her.  Sidney was much more brave this time.  She did not cry, scream or freak out.  She was still completely uninterested in going too close though!

We took a few goofy pictures...

And some not so goofy pictures (although this was the only one that did not look totally as if Kevin had a Christmas tree on his head).

The girls were mesmerized with the trains.

They even got to see prancer, "For real-life, mom!"

1 comment:

Kristin said...

You got so much more snow than us! The girls were so jealous when they saw the pictures.