Monday, December 3, 2012

A Very Big Day.

The last few days have been pretty exciting.  Last Friday Kendall received her first computer.  She is over the moon.  She loves technology and has been asking for computers, nintendo's, kindle's, etc. for a long time.  Kevin and I have been very reluctant to venture into that realm.  My co-worker told me about a program called Computers For Kids.  So we told Kendall that when she was in Kindergarten we would get her a computer. 
We filled out the application.  Kendall had to write a letter and draw a picture showing how she would use a computer.  We sent all of the paperwork in and waited for our letter to arrive telling us when to pick the computer up.  Last Friday was distribution day.  Kendall wrote a nice thank you letter (on Daisy paper I should add) and we took her down to pick up her computer.  It is a very nice little desktop.  I am pretty pleased that she has a desktop.  It took about five minutes for her and Kevin to set it up.  When she picked up the computer, they also gave her several learning games.  My friend Maria had also passed down some of her sons old PC learning games.  She was showing us what to do in a matter of minutes.  She has computer lab one day a week at school and has been learning quite a bit.  We have been limiting her to one hour a day on te weekends and half an hour during the week.  At one point last weekend after her computer time was over, I peaked in to see her sitting at the desk.  She was staring at the blank moitor, typing on the keyboard and talking to herself.
Last Saturday morning while I was reading the newspaper, I saw that Santa was going to be at the outlet malls during the afternoon.  Fantastic, I thought, the girls and I were going to be out there skating.  They both seemed very excited as we walked from the rink to the store to see Santa.  Sidney was talking a big game.  After all, she is four years old now.  She was going to be very brave and tell Santa that she wanted a Doc McStuffins doll for Christmas.  Her braveness faded quickly as Santa brought his jolly old self into the store.  Her smack talk was replaced with crocodile tears.  Not even a candy cane could entice her. 
Kendall on the other hand was the first in line.  Santa commented that she had grown quite a bit since last year.  She told him that she wanted an art set for Christmas.  He said that was a pretty grown up gift and she would have to take very good care of it.  He told her that he would see what he could do.  About halfway back to the ice rink, Sidney started feeling pretty full of herself again.  She was not afraid of Santa!  I suggested that we turn around and go see him again.  "No thanks!", she said.  Little does she know that she will get another chance this weekend at my work holiday party.  Hmmm...what do you think?

My niece, Hallie, bought me an awesome set of nail polish colors while we were out and about shopping over Thanksgiving.  My nails were purple last week, red this week and will be green next week.  I am definitely in the Christmas spirit now! 

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