Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Red Neck Water Slide.

One kiddie pool, two cousins, one golden retriever and a swing set - makes for perfect summer fun and hours of entertainment.

Sidney had her twin friends from school over yesterday.  It was her first ever playdate with some of her very own friends.  She was over the moon and spent the first half hour showing them every toy in the house.  She was pretty proud.  Here she is pretending to enjoy the white convertible.  In real life she will not ride in the car AT all.  Kendall is quite the driver and took the twins for a few rides.  The four of the girls rode scooters around the block, ate Popsicles and had a blast.

Sidney is getting more daring each day. 

I absolutely love this picture of Sidney.  She is such a cutie.  She has the "Strong" gap in between her front teeth.  The other day she was telling her friend Asher that she had lost a tooth and pointed to her gap.  He laughed and said "Uh Uh.  It is just a space, silly." 

Kendall is becoming the master of the monkey bars.

Both of the girls are as sassy as ever!

Kendall decided it was time.  She was finally ready to get her ears pierced.  She has been toying with the idea for about 6 months now.  Each time she mentions it, Kevin and I tell her about the initial pain and the cleanings multiple times each day.  She then says "Maybe I will wait until I am 8 or 10 or something."  This last week she announced she was indeed ready.  So the whole family made a trek to the jewelry store for the big event.  She was a champ.  A few tears, then lots of giggles as she looked in the mirror.  So far she has been reminding me every breakfast, lunch and dinner to clean the earrings.

My brother and sister-in-law, Roy and Sherry sent me a wonderful birthday card and some birthday money this year.  It was a wonderful surprise.  After much thought, I decided to buy this clock I had been eyeing for our kitchen.  I LOVE IT.  I even had enough left over to buy a pair of fuzzy flip-flop slippers.  Thank you guys!!!

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