Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Silly Things We Want.

As a mom, it is really odd some of the things that I cannot wait for the girls to experience.  One of these things was playing in the snow.  REALLY playing in the snow.  While we were on vacation last week I couldn't wait to get dumped on, and I am not a winter person by any stretch of the imagination.  Finally on Thursday my wish came true.  The girls put on their snow gear and went out to play.
Uncle Jason came home and started plowing the driveways.  Yes, I did say driveways (plural).  My sister tells me it is kind of a competition amongst the men in the neighborhood.  Who can plow the most driveways first?  I can hear the grunting now.  The women definitely benefit from this caveman competition. 
My mom even got in on the action.  I think I heard her say that she was going to invest in a pair of snowpants.  Go Grandma!
Dylan brought out the four wheeler and gave Kendall her first ride around the neighborhood.  He is so good with the girls.  I do not think he had the four wheeler going faster than 5 mph while Kendall was on it.  What a good guy!
Then he got down in the snow and made snow angels with Sid. 
And the snow just kept coming down.  The kids in the neighborhood got out their sleds and pulled each other around.  They also went sledding down some of the snow banks.  Here is Dylan pulling Kendall on the sled. 
Sid did a bit of exploring on her own.  I wasn't ready to let her go off and play with the neighborhood kids.  She mostly hung out around the yard helping Papa shovel snow and taking care of Rylee.
I love to watch the girls have opportunities to really be kids.

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