Monday, April 11, 2011

Piggy tails and the $100 aprons.

Emotions have been running high around here lately. 

Piggy Tails
Sidney is definitely 2-1/2 years old and proud of it.  Her little self is full of independence.  We are hearing a lot of "I can do it by myself" around here.  Though I would want nothing less, it is very challenging at times.  This morning went like this:

Me:  Sidney, do you want anything in your hair?
Sid:  No.  Well, actually yes.
Me:  What do you want?
Sid:  Piggy tails.  Pink piggy tails.
Me:  Okay.  (Sid picks out the pink rubber bands and I proceed to put them in)

A few minutes later...
Sid:  I do not want piggy tails (crying and pulling them out)

A few minutes later...

Sid: I WANT piggy tails in my hair.

I am not completely insane.  No, I did not put the piggy tails back in.  We went through the same type of stuff with THING 1 (Kendall).  Somehow it is much easier and almost humorous with THING 2 (Sid).  No wonder the youngest child is usually more laid back. 

The $100 Aprons
It has now been over 24 hours so I THINK I can laugh about this.  We will see.  Last week I got a creative twinge and decided I would sew the girls new aprons.  We went to the store and bought supplies.  The girls each picked out their psychedelic fabric and all was good.  Yesterday I started to put the aprons together.  About half way through the project, I needed to run to Joann's for supplies.  Into the minivan I went.  Of course, I had "buttons versus d-rings" on my mind and did not even see the motorcycle cop.  YEP, the motorcycle cop.  He definitely saw me in my speeding minivan. 

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I could not even think of small talk.  In fact, in hindsight I did not even apologize for speeding.  I do not think I said a word to the man.  So of course, he gave me the ticket.  I am embarrassed to say that this is not my first ticket (not even by a stretch of the imagination).  BUT, it was the first ticket in which I cried.  YEP.  I cried.  At least I did not cry while he was standing there.  How could I have when I could not even muster up a word.  However the minute he went back to his motorcycle, I bawled like a baby.  To my credit, I am sure it was PMS! 

I never made it to Joann's.  I took my bawling self back home.  My compassionate husband just laughed.  I think he muttered something like "Well, you were speeding..."  Seriously???  Then a bit later he gloated that now he does not have the last speeding ticket.  That is how my tiny little apron project grew into quite a sizable venture.  UGH!

1 comment:

Gerbicks said...

oh yes, speeding tickets. i always get very angry & sort of tell off the cop. not good. & then cry.