Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Return of the Puffy Pants.

Sidney has started to show an interest in potty training.  Can you hear me smiling?  So this morning we broke out the puffy pants.  These are thick cotton "diapers" with a plastic shell.  Kendall wore them for about a day.  Really they were quite ineffective for her.  I think they will be equally as ineffective for Sidney, but fun nonetheless.  She spent about 15 minutes dancing around in them thinking she was hot stuff.  Then she proceeded to pee.  Oh well!  At least the signs of interest are starting to show.

I have been jumping for joy this weekend.  The family is ALMOST well again.  The girls seem back to theirselves.  I feel human again.  Now we just need Kevin to be on the mend, and we will gear ourselves up for the next round.  One thing about daycare is they sure have been sick a lot.  I was spoiled by their health and quite unprepared for the onslaught of illness. 

Kevin and I went on a date last night.  We went for coffee and to a movie.  It was the first time in a long time that I felt truly relaxed.  It was bliss.  The girls had a reunion with the Nelson kids.  It was great to see Sidney run and jump into David's arms.  It was so good to see everyone.  They are almost settled in to their new house.  Apparently the time with the Nelson's last night was not long enough, because Rebecca said Hannah and Kendall were already planning their next sleepover.

Kendall was quite the helper today.  Sunday's we try to get the house in some semblence of order.  The girls usually follow me around with their pretend vacuums (music makers) and beg to mop when I am done.  Today I let Kendall run the vacuum.  She was ecstatic.  I was impressed.  I did not even have the internal battle of "Do I go over it after she is done, or just call it good?".  She did a great job!  Wonder how long the thrill of vacuuming will last? 

Remember what it was like to have bones of rubber?  Yeah, I don't remember it either.  Though my trigger finger was not fast enough, Kendall actually had her feet touching the back of her head.  In all honesty, I could do that until just a couple of months ago (sure!).

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