Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Little Bakers

The girls have really been helping in the kitchen lately.  I do mean "helping" very loosely.  However, yesterday we made cookies and they genuinely did just about the whole thing.  Of course, I gave them a little bit of guidance (measuring and pulling things in and out of the oven).  Here they are my happy little bakers.  The hardest part was getting Sidney to wait until AFTER the cookies were baked to enjoy eating!

We also found some great Halloween costumes yesterday.  I know it is a bit early, but this is the first year that Kendall has had an opinion about what she wanted to be.  I just could not resist.  We could not find a "green" giraffe to match her favorite stuffed animal so brown will do.  What you cannot see in the picture is that the girls are soaking wet!  They were outside in the backyard when the sprinklers came on.  Instead of rushing in, they decided to have a little fun.  Good times.

Friday the girls had their first half day at their new school.  Sidney did not even cry when I left (sniff, sniff).  They had a blast.  Kendall was so happy that she got to be the "line leader" when they came back in from playing outside.  They also got potato chips as a treat with their lunch (such deprived children).  When I picked Sidney up, it was absolutely adorable.  There were about 6 kids in her class and they all knew her name.  A few of them shouted "Bye Sidney".  Hopefully tomorrow goes as smoothly when it is the real thing.

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