Sunday, January 10, 2010

Baby Booties and Too Much Information

I am not referring to booties that go on your feet. I am referring to the booty that we are born with. The booty that for most humans under the age of three is accentuated by a diaper. So WHY do infant clothing makers forget this widely known fact??? Low rider jeans and skinny legs are just not going to work! We have finally found a brand that will accomodate little Sid's voluptuous curves. Thank you Walmart!
WARNING: For those with a weak stomach, the following paragraph should be skipped. Sidney's intestinal issues are finally over! WooHoo!!! Thank you to my dear friend that shall not be named in the interest of privacy (you know who you are...) for sharing your similar experience with us. Sidney has spent the last 5 months with a burnt butt. We are speaking of the chemical burn nature. After depriving her of dairy, bummer, for months and trying every diaper cream known to man, we put her on a round of probiotics. It was an overnight success. One week on the probiotics and now one full week off. Her bum is very happy indeed! Here she is taking in some water before bed time. Who is bigger the water bottle or Sidney?

Kevin wanted me to post the following picture from Kendall's birthday last weekend. She was very specific in that she wanted chocolate cupcakes with pink and purple frosting and sparkles. Did we nail it? She had a great time sprinkling the cupcakes. Grandma Terrell would be proud.

As for the after party, here she is in dress up clothes and bike helmet with a mouth full of candy. SWEET!

1 comment:

Gerbicks said...

love the picture of her fawning over the cupcakes! she looks so amazingly happy & content.

so sidney's in a bed already? we are talking about switching amelia soon so this is good to know.

oh my, did we ever have a hard time finding pants to fit adeline (we went with the children's place, one size up, sew the hem up an inch).

so sorry to hear about thankfully past burnt butt issues. poor kid!