Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Never say 'Never'.

We had so much fun at the first clinic we did with Grace that we decided to attend a second one.  It did not disappoint!  Similar to the first one, I did the first half with Levi practicing groundwork.  I felt so much more comfortable the second time around.

About halfway through, we saddled him up and Sidney did the riding portion.  She learned so may awesome things about just getting him to move out and getting them through his young antics.  She also got a few tips from Grace on how to start introducing the bit for steering.

At the end, Sidney got off and I 'thought' I heard Grace ask me if I wanted to walk him around.  I jumped up and said 'Sure'.  As I walked out there and grabbed the lead rope, Grace said, "Well, you are going to need a helmet."  I looked at her bewildered and Sid started laughing.  Sidney said, "I though you may have heard her wrong."  Grace wanted me to get on him.  WHAT?!?!  I had no intentions of ever actually riding this horse.  That being said, he was good and tired.  I made Grace promise me that she would just pony lead me around.  

It was SO MUCH FUN!  Of course, I was doing nothing but sitting there and breathing deeply, but it was fun to the core.  I cannot say that I will be getting back on him anytime soon, but that was quite an accomplishment.

On a side note, Sidney went to the HVR Christmas party a week or so later.  During the party she sent me a text and said she had won me another lesson with Grace.  She put all her raffle tickets into the 'Lesson with Grace' drawing.  I am super excited and thought that was the sweetest thing Sidney did!

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