Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Life of Bella.

 When my parents go on trips up north, we watch their dogs for them.  It is truly chaos, but fun.  Feeding time has been tricky, because Bella is such a chow hound.  We have been working a lot with her on waiting patiently and not going after the other dogs' food.  I decided to put that to the test the last time we watched the dogs.  Boston is the slowest eater EVER!  I decided to let Bella eat in the same room.  Look at the restraint Bella is showing.  She literally stayed there until Boston walked away from the bowl.  Nicely done doggo!

Looking at this picture, it is unbelievable that Bella was just 7 pounds when we brought her home 6 months ago.  She is at least 50 pounds now and tall.

Poor Bailey puts up with so much harassment from her.  She literally will go nowhere without him.  If for some reason he is not moving fast enough.  She will grab him by the cheek and pull him.  Very rarely will he clap back at her.

Bella has chewed the antlers down to almost nothing.  Here she is with one of them in her mouth.  Sidney took this picture and refers to her as a walrus.   She has been the sweetest most fun dog.  She has one VERY gross habit.  She eats poop.  YUCK!  From my research, it turns out that is not uncommon.  We have never had a poop eating dog until now.  I have tried every gimmick on the market to no avail.  Most dog owners say they will grow out of it.  I hope so.  The saving grace is that she is not a licker.  Thank you!  I am not sure I could handle a poop eating dog that was a licker.

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