Monday, November 23, 2020

Young Entrepreneurs.

The other day, I called my sister to tell her that the girls are 'stressing me out' with all of their entrepreneurial ideas.  She laughed and said, "They take after their mother. You always have something cooking."  She then proceeded to console me by telling me that it is good they have something to keep them busy during this very strange time.  I suppose she is correct.  Each of the girls have a business they have created.  I am super proud of their initiative, but it does make me a bit crazy.

Kendall and Hannah started a jewelry business.  They have been doing very well.  I never knew Kendall had such a marketing spirit.  You can check out their Etsy shop at DayDreamDesignShopCo.

They have been using all of their profits, thus far, to re-invest in the business and grow their product line.

They did an outdoor photo shoot the other day and had a number of the neighbors stop by and give them an encouraging word.  

Sidney continues to grow her dog bandana business.  She found a way to sell them on a local app.  She has even started to personalize them for $1 extra.  I love that she writes a blog to accompany the bandanas.  Customers have been going directly to the blog to let her know which design they are interested in.

The girls took a picture and also made some cute new tags to accompany the bandanas they have for sale in a local pet grooming shop:  Marcie-n-Mack

Yes, it causes me a wee bit of stress, but I should be thankful for the experience that they are gaining.  It is also giving them something productive to do while we are staying at home.

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