Monday, November 23, 2020

It is...then it Isn't.

When I say this has been an unbelievably strange year, I know that I am not telling you anything you do not already know.  Well, Kendall managed to get a few days of in-person school under her belt, before it was back to virtual learning full-time.  We are not complaining, really.  It was inevitable.  Frankly, with the strangeness of the year, even Kendall prefers this option.  At least it provides a level of consistency in an otherwise unpredictable year.

Most importantly, she got to wear her sparkly white sneakers and school uniform for a few day!  She is adorable.  There is not arguing that!


Sidney has been cruising along, un-phased, in her online schooling.  I will say it again, it is astonishing the difference one year makes.  Last year was like pushing rope uphill...the whole way.  This year, she is owning her schooling.  She is taking charge, communicating well and generally killin' it.  The school is having a holiday cookie baking contest.  Sidney was incredibly excited about this.  The only requirement is that the school logo needs to be incorporated somewhere in the design.

She has clearly watched her share of the cooking channel.  She printed out a Christmas tree template and cut around it to make this giant tree cookie.

She spent hours baking and decorating.

Here is her final product.  I love it!  Pretty good for no intervention from mom (though I did agree to do the dishes...sucker).

This picture makes me laugh.  I told her to have big eyes.  I DID NOT say 'crazy' eyes.

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