Sunday, September 22, 2019

Living the Good Life!

Kendall seems to really be enjoying her middle school years.  These are the 'farklers'.  They are amazing friends.  They are each so unique and beautiful.  Here they are at the Shakespeare Festival.

They decide to throw their friend Brookelynn a 13th birthday part.  The girls coordinate the whole thing with Brookelynn's parents.  The girls spend the entire day decorating the house and making a cake.  Finally, the time came to kidnap Brookelynn.

She was relieved to learn that her kidnappers were really her friends.

Brookelynn is the scientist in the bunch.  They made her a cute theme cake.

For those who have a weak stomach, it may be time to avert your eyes.  Kendall had a tooth pulled to make room for a permanent tooth that needs to come in.  The crazy thing is that the dentist had her pull her own tooth.  No kidding.  I actually thought that he was joking and would only have her assist.  NO, she pulled the tooth out on her own with his verbal guidance.  Crazy!

Kendall loves Pinterest, 5 minute crafts and life hacks.  All of these things she inherited from Kevin.  Some of these projects have been huge fails.  The project below was a definite win.  Two shoe boxes and two hangers later, she has a nice container to store things on her bathroom counter.

Here was one of the few cross country meets Kendall participated in this year.  Shortly after this picture was taken, she crashed her hover board and ended up on crutches.  Thankfully, she suffered no fractures.  However, her incredibly bruised hip has been very painful and slow to heal

I absolutely love this picture.  It captures the essence of Kendall.  She is such a fun loving free spirit!

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