Thursday, February 21, 2019

Creativity and 'Negative Space'.

I am a very crafty person.  I am not suggesting that I am good at it.  I just LOVE it all.  The girls have been learning to create things from the very beginning.  I love watching them use their imaginations.  To that end, they both have decided to join 4H.  Kendall is going to learn to crochet and Sid joined the sewing club.  The group they joined meets once per month.  The rest of the time is spent practicing at home.  Next month, the club will be doing a community project.  They are making quilts for a local hospital.  Here is Kendall during the first club meeting.  The kids did a scavenger hunt at JoAnn's.  These girls were goofy as ever!

For Valentine's day, Sidney's class had a box contest.  Initially, Sidney asked me to buy her a box.  My response, "You are creative.  You have a brand new shoe box.  Go to town!"  She did just that.  She won the contest for her vending machine box.

Kendall entered the school art contest.  I forgot to take a picture of the oil pastel that she entered, prior to her turning it in.  She did an amazing picture that was themed around the state of Idaho.  She is taking an art class this quarter.  She gave me a lesson on her use of 'negative space' in her picture. 

Kids these days.  Sidney borrowed my phone for a few minutes.  Next thing I knew, I had all kinds of funny pictures of her saved to the phone.  Hilarious!

The girls do not always get along, but they are very close.  They spend a lot of time with each other and really know how to get under each other's skin.  However, there are moments like this one, when I just have to take in the beauty of their friendship.  While I was up working in the office, I heard Kendall ask Sidney to come play the piano with her.  Kendall has been taking lessons for years.  Sidney has never been too interested.  Sidney sat at the piano with Kendall, while Kendall taught her to play a few keys to a song.  Once Sidney had it figured out,  Kendall jumped in with the rest.  It was magical!

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