Sunday, November 4, 2018

Girls on the Run.

Sidney participated in Girls on the Run this year.  It is such a great program.  The end of season 5K was a night time Halloween 5K.  I was not really thrilled about running a 5K in the evening, but it was an absolute blast.

We saw the Parson's at the race.  They took this lovely picture of us.

Sidney was sporting her 90's themed neon gloves.  I so wish I would have been given a pair.  I do love the 90's.

I am quite certain that Sidney does not believe in pacing herself.  We ran 3 miles worth of fartlek runs.

Action shot.

It was a great time.  Kendall found one of her school friends and they ran the race together.  It takes everything I have not to push these girls to go faster, but I have learned that they are just in it for the fun.  If I get too competitive, they simply lose interest.  I figure if they just have fun, they will stick with it longer!

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