Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Jr. High Camp - What, Wait!

Oh my, I keep asking myself where has the time gone?  Kendall headed to Junior High camp this year.  What?  Junior High.  I keep lamenting that I wish time would slow down.  I love that the girls are growing up and spreading their wings.  However, I hate that they are 'growing up and spreading their wings'.  I want them to always be my babies. 
Kendall found this awesome get up at an estate sale the day before heading off to camp.  The man at the sale thought she looked so perfect in it, he gave it to her.  She greeted the Nelson kids in this get up when they came to pick her up.
Kendall was very excited to go, but very emotional about leaving for the week.  She gave Sidney a number of bear hugs and even shed a couple tears.
Once she got that out of her system, she was ready to go.  The three amigos set out for camp.

David dropped them off at the bus.  He always sends me a picture of them as they are getting ready to board. 

We did not hear from Kendall for the entire week.  Junior High camp is a full six days.  It is a bit longer than the kids camp.  Sidney immediately started partying.  She was determined to maximize her week as an only child.

Kevin and I took her to Ling and Louie's to eat.  It was the first time there for all of us.  Sidney even ate her entire meal with chopsticks.  We all agreed this is a definite do over.  We really enjoyed it.

She and I had our own spa day.  We did clay masks for part of it.  We could not help but make crazy alien faces. 

She talked me into this poop emoji cookie cutter.  Ridiculous and Hilarious!

Kendall came back from camp happy and tired.  She made a lot of new friends and got reacquainted with some old ones.

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