Monday, June 13, 2016

A Visit to Firebird Raceway.

My Aunt Lynda and Uncle Mitch were here for a drag race.  Mitch races in the AA Supercharged class with his car "The RodFather".  We have been out to watch them before, but this year was extra fun.  The girls were old enough to really get into the race.  Instead of "it is really loud", they were on the edge of their seats cheering loudly for The RodFather. 

The RodFather getting ready to race in the background.

Lynda took the girls for a ride in the Rhino.

The girls may or may not have driven the Rhino.  I am not certain...after all what happens at the races, stays at the races.

The girls were all decked out in RodFather gear for the race.   
 Sid was sporting her National Hot Rod Association racing hat that Mitch and Lynda got them.
It was a lot of excitement to watch the whole thing in action.  The races are each 2 hours apart.  In between each race, the car basically gets completely dismantled and put back together again.  Everything in these cars is custom.  It is half art and half mechanics to get the cars running at their optimum.  Mitch made it into the final race, but the competition ended up taking home the grand prize.  These cars are insane, racing more then 200 mph.  Actually are the cars insane or the drivers...hmmm?

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