Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Highs and The Lows.

We just returned last week from an absolutely AMAZING trip to visit to Washington DC where we visited with our niece, AshLee.  I will be putting up a plethora of pictures from our trip later.  For now, an update on Kevin.  We returned to a week full of doctor's appointments.  Kevin had a scan last week and an appointment with the oncologist to review the scan.  The current chemo regimen has been hard on him, so the oncologist wanted to run a scan to see if it was working.  If it was working, he would not feel so bad about "beating Kevin up just a little bit more".  As it turned out, the treatment had been doing an effective job.  The tumor growth had stabilized and, in fact, a couple of the tumors had gotten smaller in size.  WooHoo!  Excellent news. 

Therefore, we (by "we" I really mean Kevin), proceeded with chemo on Friday.  Yesterday was Saturday, and it was an absolutely a gorgeous day.  We spent much of the day outside.  Me - hit with a case of spring fever - mowing, pulling weeds, and even trying out my Black Friday score (an electric weed eater).  The weed eater was FABULOUS by the way.  Kevin - soaking up a bit of sun, relaxing and just generally trying to fight off the nausea.  Us - dreaming of the vegetable garden we are going to plant, the new succulent garden we want to start and all things summer.  It was a great day.

Then last night happened.  It started at about 9pm.  By this morning, it was full on 'No Good'.  Kevin, who is vehemently opposed to emergency rooms, agreed it was time to go in.  With a temp of 103 and pretty severe chest pain (in his esophagus area), we called Terrell to come sit with the girls.  Kevin and I headed to the hospital.  After a few hours in the ER, they made the decision to admit him.  The upside, after ruling a few things out, they started antibiotics right away.  After the antibiotics and IV fluid kicked in, he started feeling a bit better.  I took the girls down to have dinner with him.  They stayed to watch a few cartoons, then it was off to home to get ready for bed. 

Kevin's oncologist is amazing and showed up about 10 minutes after Kevin arrived in his hospital room.  He said we should know more by tomorrow, but they will likely keep him a few days.  He also knows my husband very well and insisted that he cooperate with the nurses (aka: let them access your port Kevin, and I will try to get you out in time for the tournament Wednesday, but your health comes first). 

I know one thing for sure...I have a very incredible husband.  He is a man full of strength.  He fights for each day.  Who wouldn't with these two beautiful little faces to look at?

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