Wednesday, April 6, 2016

In Good Hands, but Wishin' He was Fishin'.

Kevin remains in the hospital. It has been a very long week, but we are hopeful that he will get to spend the night in his own bed soon.  He had an infection that led to a condition called sepsis. I am not a medical professional, so here is the official definition:  the body’s overwhelming and life-threatening response to an infection.  They have him on several antibiotic's.  As of today, he has felt quite a bit better today.  His fever is largely down, but has not completely went away.  We were pretty hopeful that he would get to come home tomorrow, but he got some more disappointing news. 

He now has a condition called neutropenia.  I will let you look that one up (it is very technical in nature).  If you do look it up, his ANC is at 200/microL.  I know these fun facts, because we have several family members in the medical profession.  They are always eager for the details.  Essentially, his immune system is compromised.  They have restricted visitors and have taken special precautions.  Fortunately, they are still allowing me to take the girls to visit.  The girls also have to follow precautions, but since we all live together we are largely immune to each others germs...SWEET. 

Kevin is disappointed and who can blame him.  He does know that he is in good hands and it is better to stay put than try to hurry out and risk being worse off, but the hospital room walls are closing in on him.  The great thing is that we have a nice view.  He has felt well enough to get up and sit in the chair by the window a few times.  Keep up the prayers and encouragement.  It means a lot!

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