Sunday, December 20, 2015

Holiday Fun.

The girls had a number of different holiday activities at their school this year.  The first graders did an amazing Christmas musical.  I am always amazed at how well the music teachers can get the kids to perform.  The first graders told a story through song about a little girl and her snowman. 

Here are a few of the cast of characters.  I expect to see the little girl on the left on the big screen someday.  She was amazing.  She was able to memorize all of her lines.

The school had a writing night a few weeks back, complete with milk and cookies.  Sidney was not able to go, since she had come down with Strep Throat (ugh!).  Kendall and I were able to make it.  The kids had written some zany holiday stories. 
Kendall's story was about her and Taylor Swift.

During the writing night, the kids brought their stories to life.  Kendall took a picture of her sitting down and drew a picture of Taylor Swift.  The pictures were put inside of  "snow globe" that showed the two of them riding in a limo.  

 Each of the girls had holiday parties, which I was fortunate enough to attend both.  They were back to back with 5 minutes in between.  I could not have planned that better myself.  The first graders made gingerbread houses.  Each of the kids received a plate of goodies to decorate their house with.  I can say with certainty that Sidney did not have a chance with those chocolate covered pretzels.  They ended up in my belly.  Making houses is hard work, a girl needs her nourishment!

Sidney made a candy cane castle with her goodies.

 Of course, she needed some nourishment too.  Her substance of choice...vanilla wafers.

Kendall's class had a number of different activities going on.  First stop...cookie decorating.

Next stop, the munchie station.  Leave it to Kendall, to find a way to make eating entertaining.

The whole crew got in on the action.

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