Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Love Languages.

There is a very popular book by Gary Chapman titled The 5 Love Languages.  They also have a book for children titled The 5 Love Languages of Children.  I have always assumed that I know the primary love languages for each of the girls, but it is always great when something magical comes along and affirms it. 

Kendall's class has been working on a dojo point system.  Kids are rewarded for being responsible, being a hard worker, showing respect, etc.  The dojo points show up electronically on an app that Kevin and I each have.They appear to be rather hard to earn.  Last week Kendall hit a milestone.  She earned 30 points.  Once a student has earned 30 points, they get to choose a special reward.  Kendall had a number of choices including:  15 minutes extra free time, 5 minutes extra white board time, writing with a pen all day, a toy, etc.  She chose something entirely different.  She came home with a sealed pink envelope.

Inside the envelop was a note to Kevin and I from her teacher.  Kendall was beaming ear to ear as we read the note.

She had chosen 'a positive note to parents' for her dojo reward.  Yes, her love language is Words of Affirmation.  Nailed it!

As for the rest of us...Sidney's love language is undoubtedly Physical Touch.  Kevin's love language is Quality Time.  As for me, my love language is Acts of Service.  Now, if I can just remember this.

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