Monday, April 27, 2015

Kendall's Big Decision - March 29, 2015.

Kendall has been asking about baptism for a few months now.  It is a pretty big decision, so we talked a lot about it.  She came to us again last month after a lesson at her Awana class.  She said, "I know I am young, but this is something I really want to do."  She met with Pastor Brian and made the decision to be baptized.  She asked that her daddy be the one to baptize her.

She received a certificate.  A gentlemen by he name of Clint was baptized the same day.  It is such a small world as Kevin found out that he has known Clint's wife, through work, for many years.

We had friends and family over for brunch to celebrate the day.  Grandma Terrell made Kendall a beautiful cake.  Some days Kendall's maturity astonishes me.  Her thoughts are beyond her years.  Granted she still loves to be crazy and have fun like all other little kids.  It is the thoughts that spill out in the quiet times that amaze me.  I am so proud of this little girl!  She has a love for Jesus and a love for her family that is beyond words.

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