Thursday, May 15, 2014

Having a Bit of Fun.

Random happenings...
There is a new outdoor mall in town.  This mall is like no other.  They seem to always have something fun going on.  My mother-in-law dragged us to it a few weeks ago.  I am so glad she did!  They had face painting (which we missed by 5 minutes), balloon animals, an outdoor concert, a water "light" show and a petting zoo.  Sidney adored the petting zoo.  In fact, she went into it all by herself and played with the animals for quite some time.  

Kendall held this cute little duck.  After that, it was hard to pull her away to do anything else.
We have had a few rain showers this spring.  Sidney's favorite activity?  Dancing in the rain! 

Hannah came over for Easter with the most beautiful, bouncy curls.  Rebecca said that she had used sponge rollers.  The girls and I gave it a shot.  Kendall had a rare moment of shyness and would not let me take her picture.  Here is Sidney with a head full of rollers.  I should have taken an after shot, but did not.  The curlers worked great though!

Kendall and I just goofing around, posing like rock stars.  Cannot take yourself too seriously, right?  Photo courtesy of Sidney (and she did not even cut off our heads).

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