Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Very Yummy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.  My parents arrived last Wednesday.  We were very excited to show them our new home.  My mom brought down my re-vamped drapes.  These were the drapes that my mom made for me last Christmas.  They were in the master bedroom at the old house, but we wanted to put them in the dining room at our new house.  The only trick was that they were about 18 inches too short.  My mom came up with a great idea.  She used some very nice trim and then used the reverse side of the same fabric to add a bit of contrast.  They turned out very nice.  Her talent never ceases to amaze me.  Thank you mom!
We started off Thanksgiving with Cinnamon rolls and yummy appetizers.  My dad made his famous bacon-wrapped water chestnuts!  Don't look at the clock too closely, you may see that it was not even noon before the wine corks were popped.

Kendall even got in on some of the action as she helped my mom with some of the appetizers and prep work.
Sidney mostly enjoyed eating the fruits of our labor.  Here she is with the last two olives on her fingertips. 

The Brandt's joined us for dinner.  It was a great time.  Emily just came right in and started playing with the girls.  As she was leaving that day, I heard her invite the girls over to her house to play.  She told them, "You should come over to my house.  We have different toys we can play with."  Such a sweet girl! 

Claire got to sit at the kiddie table with the bigger girls.  I think she thought she was pretty hot stuff!

My girls got to have their first taste of "real" cranberries courtesy of Kristin (as opposed to the kind that come out of a can).  They absolutely loved them.  Later that evening when I asked them what their favorite thing was, they both told me cranberries.  My favorite thing was most definitely the sweet potatoes that Chris brought!
The girls got a lot of snuggle time with my parents. 
My parents dragged me to Walmart at 10pm on Thanksgiving Day to get one of the door busters.  After nearly watching two grown adults break into a fist fight, we left empty handed.  We all agreed that was a very dangerous place to be.  After returning home, I logged onto the computer at midnight and was able to get the "door buster deal" online, no problem.  We did a lot of eating, a lot of sleeping, a bit of shopping and took quite a few long walks exploring the new neighborhood.  It was a great weekend!

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