Friday, October 22, 2010

Hey There, Bucket Head.

Sid thought that it would be fun to walk around the house with her Halloween bucket on her head.  The crazy part is that every time she would bump into something she would laugh and repeat.  Silly girl.

Kendall is really a sponge lately.  She is absorbing everything (good and bad).  Here is a bit of the good.  She worked with Kevin to put all of the letters in order.  Then she counted them.  "26".  Imagine that.
We have had A LOT of crazy mornings around here.  Kendall just does not like mornings, unless they can happen at her leisure.  We have tried many different tactics including early bed times, picture charts, helping her, NOT helping her.  UGH.  Somedays I feel I have run a marathon by the time I get to work.  This week was different.  Introducing "The Good Morning" jars!  I stole this idea from my friend Lorain.  When I was at her house a bit ago, I saw three mugs with each kids name on it.  The mugs had marbles in them.  I inquired about them, and she told me that the kids could earn marbles for various things:  extra chores, behavior, etc.  the marbles could be spent on different things:  TV time, treats, etc.  I liked the idea and decided to adapt it.  We started on Monday.  Kendall and Sidney picked out a glass container from our collection.  For each morning that they get ready without whining OR crying, they get a marble.  They can trade 5 marbles for 2 quarters.  Kendall is REALLY into this.  She has learned that 4 quarters will buy her the new watch she wants from the dollar store.  It has been BLISS!  Kendall earned 3 marbles this week and Sidney earned 4.  Even on the days that they did not earn their marbles, it was MUCH better than before.  I sure hope the excitement continues!

I have dubbed several of the past few Friday nights as "Friday Night Movie Night".  Kevin has been busy supervising the high school football games.  So the girls and I have become excellent couch potatoes.   I pick the girls up from school.  We head to the library.  We load up on movies.  We go home.  We eat dinner.  We put PJ's on.  We pop some popcorn and away we go.  Probably not the best habit to get into, but it sure has been fun!

1 comment:

The Reed Ranch said...

Heather I love to hear your stories and see the girls.. I really feel like I'm getting to know them!!! And LOVE the marble idea too.... will have to remember that one when Brayden gets a little older and comes to Grandma's house... Love the dance class and the movie/popcorn night.. so what's wrong with that??? hee hee hee We do it every Friday night too!

Great to see a picture of your mom and how awesome she is doing.. Jerry's mom use to do the same thing to the boys when they were younger... she always bought them their shoes... it was wonderful!!

Kiss the girls for me and say hello to Kevin for me too!