Sunday, May 30, 2010

Thank Goodness for Baseball

My Brother-in-Law coaches varsity baseball and his team made it to State again this year. Way to go Jason! Unfortunately, the trip down here was about as far as they went. The excellent part is that my sister came down with Dylan and Hallie. My mom was also able to join them. We had a great time. Kevin got to take Dylan on a very COLD fishing trip, while the girls spent the evening at Pojo's. We rode the carousel (several times), played lots of games and ate lots of candy. The best part of the Pojo's night-out was the bumper car ride that my sister and I went on. I do not think I have laughed that hard in a LONG time. I literally could not breathe at one point. There was a little girl on the ride with us that had it out for my sister. She was probably about 8 years old. The hilarity of it was that she kept looking at my sister and saying "You're going down!". It was hysterical.

It was so much fun to watch the kids play together. Sidney is finally old enough to really get in on the action. Her older cousin Dylan was more than eager to accomodate her. He "Drove Miss Daisy" all around the neighborhood.

On Saturday, we all went to the pool at the gym. Kendall was like a little fish. On previous visits, it would take about 30 minutes for her to even leave the steps. During this trip she was determined to keep up with the big kids. Before the day was over she was jumping off the side of the pool, dunking under the water and "swimming" to her Aunt Stephie.
Next weekend we are taking the girls up to spend a week with my parents all by theirselves. My mom made a countdown chart (complete with a sticker for each day) so the girls could see how many days until their big trip. I am really excited for them. It is going to be a very special week and I hope that we are able to do this every year. My Dad told Kendall that he would cook her breakfast every day. I am not sure he knew what he was getting himself in to. Tonight Kendall told Papa Mark that she really wants pink pancakes with chocolate chips in them.
While my mom was here I stole some pictures off her camera. Here is a picture of my gorgeous niece Hallie. She had a dance recital at the local college. My sister said she was just like a professional. At one point during the routine, her hat fell off. My sister said that she just kept on dancing as if nothing had ever happened.

For those who were wondering, Kendall is finally back in her bed. She spent nearly two weeks sleeping on the floor of her bedroom in this nice cozy bed she had made. Two nights ago when I went in to kiss her she was sleeping in her bed. I asked her about it the next day and she told me she was having a hard time falling asleep. So back to her bed it is!

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