Thursday, December 19, 2024

December at Dutch.

 First of all, a cute shot of my favorite bro-ista!

Kendall and her co-workers always seem to be having a good time, though I know that is not always the case.

One of Kendall's co-workers decorated reindeer cups for each of the bro-istas on shift.  They did a cute video taking dubs to the Christmas song.

On the bottom of each cup was a picture of each person.  I think they nailed it!

Dutch has a great view of the sunrises, and Kendall is often at work early enough to catch these.  We marvel how this night owl daughter of mine manages to make it on time to work at 5am.

Kendall loves when customers bring their little pets through.  Kendall got to hold this little kitty for a few minutes.  She was quick to thoroughly wash her hands immediately as she is allergic, but thought it was so worth it!

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