Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Junk Drawer - September 2023.

 I bought a new vacuum!  Sidney had to help me test drive it, since she does all my vacuuming.  I find this funny since Kevin used to do all the vacuuming and picked out our other vacuum.  Our old one is a rainbow vacuum, which kind of makes me giggle.  It is huge and bulky and I use it about once a year.  He did not mind lugging it around the house, but it is a bit big for us.  I will say, the rainbow vacuum is the cleanest, freshest vacuum I have ever had, so it was going to be hard to beat.  We settled on a Miele.  Sidney loves it!  She has pulled it out several times, even when she was not scheduled to clean, just to mess with it.  

I love this face, as it reminds me 100% of Kevin.

She even vacuumed of the cornices.  They really did need it!

You gotta love this little guy that hitched a ride to the ranch on my windshield.

Me showing off my headstand skills.  Famous party trick!

I had a work trick to Washington DC.  My co-worker took this great picture of the Washington Monument as we drove by in our Uber.  It was such a reminiscent trip, as the last time we went was to visit AshLee DC or Bust.

I think I have time for a few more bouquets from my garden before it gets too cold.

I got this AMAZING sunrise on my morning walk.  Just beautiful!

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