Monday, November 15, 2021

Jump Series and Jackpot Challenge.

Sidney has been getting some extra opportunities this fall.  Alyssa seems to have adopted these three girls (Ava, Nellie and Sidney) as her 'girls' and has been taking them to all sorts of fun events.  Here are a few pictures of the Jackpot Challenge, which is essentially an outdoor obstacle course for both horse and rider.


Sidney has also been taking the opportunity to ride all of the horses, which stretches her riding skills.  She wrote Reno for the Jackpot Challenge.  Excellent choice, as they walked away with a ribbon.

Sidney bought AT LEAST three different costumes for her and Marley.  As it came down to it, she scrapped them all and went for this 70s vibe.  This duo could not be cuter.

One of the biggest challenges came last Saturday with the first round of the winter jump series.  Sidney rode Indy.  Indy is an excellent jumper.  There were ten jumps in the course.  For horses and riders that have not done a jump course before, it can be very intimidating.  Sidney had a tremendous amount of anxiety the day of.  With much encouragement from her coach, Alyssa, and her teammates, she pushed through it.

Though both Indy and Sidney are fully capable of maneuvering cross rails and higher jumps, they decided to work through the ground poles.  They looked great.  There are several more of these to come, so I expect getting through this first one was accomplishment in and of itself.

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